Elbo Controlli Nikken

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Elbo Controlli Nikken

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How to choose the right tool presetter for the aerospace industry

The aerospace industry over the years has probably been one of the most innovative across the manufacturing sector.

Numerical controls for machine tools have evolved dramatically to meet these demands! First 3 axis followed by 4 axis and then ultimately 5 axes and more quickly entered production facilities to support the requirements for increasingly precise but also massively more complex components. As in any self-respecting production chain, there are excellences that drive the whole sector and it is these qualities that we want to talk to you about.

These realities have quickly demonstrated that it is no longer simply enough to have the best performing or most technologically advanced machine tools rather, and even more so today, the correct organization and management of the production cycle is critical. Here then the attention shifts from not only considering the work cycle but understanding the total manufacturing requirements as an entire process. From the acceptance of the raw material to the shipment of the final product/part. The actual machining and manufacture is only one factor, small or large, of this complete process.

The analysis and preparation of all the equipment and tools necessary to carry out such manufacture therefore becomes an integral part of any requirement. For this reason, the correct choice of partners for the supply of tools and equipment has become a key priority for many companies.

Having reliable partners who can offer complete solutions saves time and ultimately earns hours in production.

One of the areas of interest for such processing is that of pre-recording and measurement machines (tool presetters) which, what was once simply achieved by adopting a small gauge or reference piece, has now evolved into equipment that has the task of solving various problems, with the simplicity of such a surface gauge!

So how do we choose a presetter for the aerospace industry that allows you a manufacturer respond to modern market needs?

The requirement for measurements of geometries and tolerances are on the agenda. It is unthinkable to risk making an incorrect part, even if only a single one, just because a tool geometry was wrong! Consequently there became the need and requirement to make the presetter the control management center for all the equipment necessary for processing.

Elbo Controlli NIKKEN has created and developed a system that, starting from the ease of use of a small gauge, can also fully integrate with the most modern simulators. This avoids congestion of server memories (CAM databases are populated natively, at the presetter, without use or requirement for STEP files). All this can be achieved in a single ‘off the shelf’ package, called ‘IS’ Integrated Solution. Indeed IS can be expanded further by adding further modules over time to meet any new requirements to protect the initial investment.

You can book a free consultation and a demonstration to evaluate together with an Elbo Controlli NIKKEN consultant the most suitable solution for your workshop or facility.