Tecnologie Meccaniche editorial

The "Tecnologie Meccaniche" trade magazine published, in the last May issue, our editorial on tool identification using the TID system.
The article was written in collaboration with our customer Termo Stampi based in Brescia, who installed the TID automatic tool identification system on some machine tools, in addition to the Hathor SIX presetter machine.
Tecnologie Meccaniche reportage

A reportage by Tecnologie Meccaniche published several pages and promotional campaign in its magazine.
The interview was conducted with our commercial director Mr. Lucio Ferrero during the EMO fair in Hannover: the goal of Elbo Controlli NIKKEN is "greater automation" through our dedicated systems and Toolroom solutions. In particular, the exchange of data towards the machine tool.
MTM Subfornitura magazine

The MTM Subfornitura magazine published an article dedicated to our TID tool management and identification system which we presented during the MECSPE 2018 tradeshow in Parma.
The innovative tool management system was presented to the public to demonstrate how we made machine tools more technologically advanced. TID eliminates operator error by allowing bidirectional communication between presetter and CNC.
Dossier Meccanica & Engineering magazine

In 2016 interview by Il Giornale newspaper for an insert titled "Dossier Meccanica & Engineering”, Elbo Controlli Srl, CEO Massimiliano Tasca spoke about why Italian engineering abroad is constantly put to the test and how Italian companies can challenge foreign competitors on a global scale in the presetter machines and tool measurement market.
NEWSMEC "Tecnologie d'avanguardia per produrre" magazine

NEWSMEC magazine published an article entitled "How important is it to identify and pre-register tools?". The article describes the Elbo Controlli NIKKEN presetting machine models E46L and E46LTW and the "TID" tool identification technology, which were presented at the MECSPE 2016 tradeshow in Parma.
The E46 presetter series along with the TID system are our client’s most popular and appreciated products.