Elbo Controlli Nikken

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Elbo Controlli Nikken

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Quality assurance


The key of our success is preparation

The quality of a product or service is defined by the characteristics that meet the expectations of those who use it. Therefore it is not possible to identify an "absolute" level of quality: it is the users' needs which define the characteristics a product or service must possess in order to satisfy them.

Quality is not only a technical term but includes organizational and managerial aspects which involve the company as a whole.

Elbo Controlli NIKKEN issues the following certifications:

  1. Training course certification: an Elbo Controlli NIKKEN technician is present during the installation of a machine and will demonstrate the “first steps” use of the presetter. Subsequently, it is possible to schedule one or more meetings with our experts to deepen their knowledge of our machines. A technical training certificate is issued to all participants at the end of the course
  2. Commerce training certification for dealers: all our national and international distributors and dealers take part in a commerce training course. The course is divided according to the different product categories that we offer: presets, software, measuring devices and digital readouts
  3. Service certification for dealers: technical / service training course divided into three levels: BASIC level (for technicians new to our products ADVANCED level (for trained technicians who partake in in-depth and specific courses) and CALIBRATION (final course to recalibrate the presets)

Our ideology on quality is an integration of all our best resources put together with clear goals and objectives and achieving them with the aid of our clients by giving them what they want. Using not only the best materials but also the right materials maintains a high level of quality which constitutes the aims of Elbo Controlli NIKKEN.

Elbo Controlli NIKKEN training