The MTM Subfornitura magazine published an article dedicated to our TID tool management and identification system which we presented during the MECSPE 2018 tradeshow in Parma.
The innovative tool management system was presented to the public to demonstrate how we made machine tools more technologically advanced. TID eliminates operator error by allowing bidirectional communication between presetter and CNC.
Elbo Controlli NIKKEN is first and foremost an engineering company which studies and designs its own products through four divisions: mechanics, electronics, optics and software.
Elbo Controlli NIKKEN and Rossi Macchine Utensili Spa collaborated at the Parma tradeshow to highlight a complete technological solution for Industry 4.0: A Hathor SIX preset connected to a MURATEC MT200GT3 machine tool via TID tool management system.
The Hathor SIX preset measured the tool with a unique Datamatrix code before being loaded into the machine. When the tool is loaded into the machine, the data is transferred directly to the numerical control via an industrial PC installed in the tool loading / unloading area.
For more information, click on the following link: (Pages 42/43).