说明 落地对刀仪 E46BT1
The tool pre-registration, measurement and inspection machine is an indispensable and necessary tool for any type of workshop and for any type of application, from automotive to aerospace, oil & gas, etc.
Elbo Controlli NIKKEN has been dedicating time and resources to innovation for years, bringing state-of-the-art products to the market. The new "multi-camera" models have additional cameras that facilitate measurement and inspection of characteristic tool geometries.
The adoption of tool presetting systems equipped with a lateral camera represents a significant step forward: it's suitable for presetting lathe tools working under or above centre, in combination with a spindle holder equipped with a Y-direction slide.
Accurate inspection of lathe tools, which are often complex and difficult to check using traditional methods, represents a significant challenge.
With the new T1 model series, we offer an ideal solution for those requiring tool inspection in the turning industry.
For over 30 years we have been using granite for the base and the column: in fact, it allows our presetters to have a high degree of dimensional stability, guaranteeing precision and repeatability of measurements. When granite makes the difference!
E46BT1 is equipped with a 15.6" vertical capacitive touch screen monitor, positioned vertically for better viewing of both data and measurement functions. The images of the tool profiles are visible on the upper half, while all the tool data and software functions are positioned on the lower half.
E46BT1 可配置全新的刀具自动识别系统。欲了解更多信息,请点击此处。
E46BT1 对刀仪:Elbo Controlli NIKKEN 落地对刀仪设备
- 测量范围:最大直径 320 mm(半径 160 mm);最大高度 600 mm
- 天然花岗岩底座和支柱:最大线性误差 8 µm/m
- 钢制底座(3+1 个可调节支脚)
- 直线导轨(X 轴 2 个,Z 轴 1 个),带双循环滚珠轴承滑块
- 气动锁紧主轴旋转
- 手动轴向粗调
- 手动轴向微调
- 经 ECN AS371 认证的光栅尺(分辨率 1µm)
- 立式 TFT 15,6" 全高清触摸屏显示器
- 体积:L = 1179 mm, H = 1935 mm, D = 568 mm
- 净重:~ 230 kg
- 快换主轴(ISO、BT、CAT、HSK、多边形锥度等)
- 主轴机械分度(0°-90°-180°-270)
- 主轴气动锁紧
- 电动机械主轴拉紧 (标准拉钉 DIN69872、ISO7388、MAS403)
- 电动机械主轴拉紧(HSK、多边形锥度)
- 数码变焦 = 4x
- 可调整摄像头测量区域大小
- 主摄像头
- 双远心光学透镜
- Elbo Controlli NIKKEN 摄像系统测量范围 (mm) = 10x10 mm
- Elbo Controlli NIKKEN 摄像系统放大率 = 18x
- 工具测量功能
- 刀具显微查验功能
- 侧置摄像头
- Elbo Controlli NIKKEN 摄像系统测量范围 (mm) = 4x4 mm
- Elbo Controlli NIKKEN 摄像系统放大率 = 44x
- 刀具显微查验功能
- 基于 Linux 的嵌入式 ECN 操作系统
- ECN 机器软件 B 版本(蓝屏)
- 原点数/刀具套件数 = ∞ / ∞
- 为多任务机器提供多源功能
- 带固定基准线的手动测量功能
- 自动测量功能
- 保留最大测量值的自动测量
- 微调指示器
- 屏幕上自动测量刀具圆弧角半径和理论中心点
- 屏幕自动测量刀具角度和理论交点
- 倒角测量功能
- 可调整选取区域 (AOI)
- 用于手动刀具预调和几何检查的软件
- 可调节基准线(倾斜线角度和参考圆直径)
- 轮廓图像捕捉功能
- 自动几何识别(1 个几何体)
- 点状几何识别
- 相机图像采集
- 刀具轮廓的 DXF 文件导入
- USB 端口(4 个)
- LAN局域网连接
- 标准后置处理程序
Elbo Controlli NIKKEN 是唯一一家使用天然花岗岩作为制造材料的刀具预调、测量和检查设备制造商,也是世界上首家开发出花岗岩尺对刀仪的制造商。
- 尺寸稳定性:花岗岩是一种天然老化的材料,经数百万年形成,因此内部没有任何张力
必须彻底了解各种制造材料的表现。Elbo Controlli NIKKEN 花费了大量时间和资源,测试并批准使用花岗岩生产我们的对刀仪和光栅尺。
在正常的工作环境中,室内温度可能会随外部条件(外部温度、季节、空调)浮动十度上下:例如,从早上 8 点的 20°C 到下午 17 点的 30 °C(9/10 小时)。